I'm frustrated watching people around me struggle with money, focusing only on surface-level fixes that never work.

That's why I'm writing this.

I grew up in a modest environment.

We didn’t lack money, but I lived in public housing and went to schools in priority education zones (ZEP).

I grew up hanging out with streetwise kids in the 13th district of Paris, and whenever we talked about rich people, it always came with an insult.

"Rich bastard" was a favorite.

On top of that, my parents were into spirituality, and they passed down the belief that spirituality and money don’t mix.

I believed that I had to choose between being spiritual or being a greedy capitalist.

But at some point, I realized that money was essential for my freedom and growth.

I wasn't interested in being a broke spiritual guy.

So, I decided to work on that.

Today, I’ve built abundance in my life by focusing on my inner game and learning how to use leverage.

This post is about what I believe is the core of getting money.

The 3 brutal truths why most people don't get rich

1. They don’t take responsibility for their financial situation

Most people don’t take responsibility for their income.

They blame their job, their boss, their company, their industry, the economy, the government, society, the "current context," or the latest crisis.

It’s always someone else’s fault.

But the truth is: when blaming external factors, you're giving away your power.

People who got rich from nothing understood that blaming circumstances would never get them anywhere.

The moment you stop blaming the world and start taking responsibility for your financial situation is the moment everything can change.

No one is coming to save you. Not the government, not your boss, not society.

Your financial success is your responsibility, and until you accept that, you’ll stay stuck exactly where you are.

2. They have limiting beliefs about money and focus on external fixes

Most people have beliefs about money that sabotage their success.

Family, culture, education, or the environment they grew up in pass down these beliefs.

Common negative beliefs include:

  • "Money is the root of all evil."
  • "Rich people are greedy or unethical."
  • "You have to work too hard and sacrifice your life to get rich."
  • "It’s impossible to make a lot of money without screwing people over."
  • "Money is scarce. There’s not enough to go around."
  • "I come from a poor family, I'll never get rich."
  • "Money is anti-spiritual."

Nobody gets rich believing things like that.

These beliefs are running in the background like an outdated operating system, controlling how you think, feel, and act around money.

If you think money is bad or hard to come by, your subconscious will do everything it can to make sure you don’t get too much of it.

The problem is, most people don't even know they have these beliefs.

So they never address them.

Instead, they chase surface fixes—acting on their environment, switching jobs, businesses, getting more degrees, or working harder—hoping for better luck.

This approach is missing the point.

Your beliefs and thoughts play a much bigger role in determining how much you earn than anything you do externally.

You can hustle all day long, but if your inner game is messed up, your actions will either fail or lead to mediocre results.

"Success is 80% psychology, 20% mechanics." - Tony Robbins

3. They don’t understand how to leverage money

Most people think the only way to earn more is by working harder or longer.

They’re stuck renting out their time.

What they miss is the power of leverage.

The internet has made it possible to build scalable businesses that grow without you constantly putting in more hours.

Instead of trading time for money, they can create systems that generate income around the clock.

We’re living in an era where it’s never been easier to set up a business that makes money while you sleep, giving you both financial and geographic freedom.

Not knowing how to leverage your time and money keeps you stuck in the hamster wheel of grind, working harder but never truly getting ahead.

You're earning exactly what your mind thinks you can earn

Most broke people believe their lack of money is caused by external circumstances.

But that's just a victim mindset, and it keeps you stuck with no way out.

The truth is simple: you're earning exactly what your mind believes you can earn.

If you think $2,000 a month is what you can earn, that's exactly what you'll get.

I remember a close friend telling me, when we were teenagers, that $2,000 per month was his goal.

He believed earning more would make him greedy or complicate his life.

Guess how much he’s earning today, 17 years later? Around $2,000 per month.

There’s nothing wrong with earning $2,000. But in a country like France, it's limiting, especially when he dreams of doing more with his life.

So, what’s the difference between someone earning $100,000 a month and someone earning $2,000?

It's all in the mind.

The person earning $100k believed they could reach that level.

The person earning $2k can't even imagine it.

Many people put money on a pedestal, as if they’re not worthy of it.

But the truth is, if you change your beliefs, you can change how much you earn.

Why money is crucial—and even spiritual

Without money, you're limited.

Being short on cash is a constant mental burden.

You’re always thinking about it, counting every dollar.

It traps you in survival mode, leaving no room to explore who you truly are or pursue what really matters.

Money buys financial freedom.

Financial freedom allows you live on your own terms, unlocking the 2.0 version of your life.

It gives you the space to grow as a person, discover your true self, reach your full potential, and help others.

It puts you in a far better position to share your gifts with the world.

In this way, money is essential for your growth and your ability to contribute to others, society, and the collective consciousness.

As Dan Koe says, "If ethical people don’t create businesses that provide value, then unethical ones will rise to the top, making the world worse."

We're entering a new era—conscious entrepreneurship.

Shout out to my new friend @NikHuno for being a great ambassador of this revolution. Check out his website: Conscious Entrepreneurs.

Now more than ever, it's possible to build a thriving business that creates wealth and serves others, all without sacrificing your soul.

The 3 cheat codes to master the money game

1. Reprogram your beliefs

The fastest way to build wealth is to deprogram your limiting beliefs about money and replace them with positive ones.

This is the first cheat code. The foundation.

And a small part of people know it.

You can check every box in the outer game of building a successful business: great idea, business model, team, execution. If you have limiting beliefs about money, it won't work.

Rich people don’t have the same beliefs about money as broke people.

To change your financial life, you need to adopt the beliefs of those who are already wealthy.

Educate yourself: The best way to rewire your mindset is by reading books on the inner game of money.

The top three I recommend are:

  1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
  2. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
  3. Money and the Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Reading these books with an open mind definitely helps replace old, limiting beliefs about money with positive ones, giving you the mindset needed for financial success.

Action step: Sit down and write out all your limiting beliefs about money in a Google or Excel Sheet.

Once you’ve got them, send the list to ChatGPT with the prompt: "You’re the best coach in the world. Here’s a list of limiting beliefs about money, please transform them into positive ones."

Once you have your new, empowering beliefs, repeat them daily.

Yes, affirmations work. They influence your subconscious mind.

The more you repeat them, the more they become ingrained, helping to shift deeply rooted limiting beliefs.

You can even record yourself repeating them and listen to the audio every day.

Changing your beliefs about money is the fastest way to change your financial reality.

Check out my article: The Power of Belief: How Your Mindset Shapes Your World

2. Visualize and set a vision

Visualization is a proven technique used by some of the most successful people in the world, from athletes to entrepreneurs.

Athletes like Michael Phelps and Muhammad Ali have credited visualization as a key part of their success.

That's why creating a vision board is a powerful tool.

It’s a collection of images and words that represent what you want in your life.

I’ve used vision boards for years, and most of the things I put on them have come true. I update mine every couple of years.

Action step 1: Create a vision board with images and words that represent your ideal life.

Put a screenshot of your bank account with the number you'd like. Put activities, partners, dream body, achievements, house. Anything.

You can use Canva for that—simple and easy. And you can even use AI like Dall-E from ChatGPT to generate the best images.

Action step 2: Write down your ideal day to set a clear vision of where you're going.

Defining your vision is like turning on your GPS and setting a destination.

With a vision, you're moving towards a future you've consciously chosen.

Without a vision, you’re more likely to wander through life and end up realizing the vision set out by others.

For the whole process and an example of my personal ideal day, read my article: Your Ideal Day: How To Define It And Why It Matters (A Lot)

3. Take action with leverage

Once you’ve reprogrammed your beliefs, external results will follow.

You’ll notice new ideas, opportunities, and connections that align with your new mindset.

But, of course, you still need to take action.

Acting from this new operating system leads to faster, better results because your actions now align with your new beliefs.

Here are the 3 rules for the "doing" game of money:

First rule: Renting out your time won’t make you rich. You need a business

Employees (without equity) don’t get rich because they trade their time for money, and time is limited.

If you want real wealth, you need to build a business.

And if you want to get rich without burning out—and with real freedom—you need a business that isn’t tied to your time.

If you're an employee, the best option is to work on a side project.

But not just any side project—a side project with leverage (keep reading).

Second rule: Always have a side project to unlock the next phase of your life

A side project is a gateway to building the next upgrade of your life.

When I was an employee, my side project (cold email freelancing) helped me build financial freedom.

Now, my side projects are this blog and a second business I'm launching soon. These side projects have one goal: feeling perfectly aligned with myself.

Everyone can find an hour a day and a few hours on the weekend to work on a side project that will improve their life.

Most people can easily find time by cutting down on entertainment—Netflix, gaming, doom scrolling, etc.

Third rule: Use leverage

To build a business that scales, you need leverage.

Naval Ravikant explains that leverage comes in two main forms: code and media.

  • Code includes software, apps, or tools that can deliver value to thousands of people without requiring more work from you. This is the leverage we use at MailReach.
  • Media refers to content—writing, videos, podcasts, etc. You create it once, and it can reach millions without you having to work more. This blog is an example of my media leverage.

In today’s creator economy, there are more and more solopreneurs earning five and six figures a month by using media.

Code and media let you earn money while you sleep.

The best part? It’s easier than ever to:

  • Learn to code or use no-code tools to build software.
  • Master the skills to create and monetize media.

With media, you can make money by simply sharing your ideas and being 100% yourself.

Right now, anyone can build a business that generates $5,000, $10,000, or more a month.

There are no excuses for those who really want to build wealth.

Commit to it and build, step by step.

Final word

Building wealth requires changing your beliefs.

Blaming external factors keeps you stuck.

Focusing only on action without inner work keeps you stuck.

Rewire your mind, set a clear vision, and take action with leverage.

Anyone can build wealth by committing to the process and refusing to accept the limits their mind creates.

80% of the money game is in your mind. The other 20% is action.

Not the opposite.

I wish for you to live in the abundance you deserve ❤️

Bonus: Great Quotes About Money

"Money doesn’t buy happiness – it buys freedom." - Naval Ravikant

"All money is a matter of belief." - Adam Smith

"Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world." - T. Harv Eker

"Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options." - Chris Rock

"Making money isn't evil, greedy, shallow, or vain. Your biggest obstacle to getting rich is the harmful meaning you've attached to it." - Derek Sivers

"Making money is nothing more than a neutral exchange of value. Making money is proof you're adding value to people's lives. Aiming to get rich is aiming to be useful to the world." - Derek Sivers

"Making money is a skill. Learn it and practice it like you would any other." -Grant Cardone

"Success is having to worry about everything except money." - Johnny Cash